data-mm-id=”_ok9upu7ay”>Cadence13 has a big idea. What if movies were … podcasts? What if you simply called an audio book a podcast? Is that something? Is that anything? Where is our money?Via an exclusive Variety report:”Imagine if “Jurassic Park” or “Jaws” hadn’t unfolded on the big screen. If, instead of reveling in cinematic carnage, audiences might have experienced the bloodletting of these dinosaurs and giant sharks from the relative safety of their earbuds. At least, that’s the latest idea from Cadence13, a podcast company that counts Goop and Crooked Media among its partners. As its latest foray into the white-hot podcasting space, the company is launching C13Features, which will back thrillers, dramas, comedies, and other stories that unspool between 90 minutes t…